Our company's mission is to increase the cooperation between companies by the manufacturers and the potential buyers/sellers all over the island together to start trading now through a simple, fast and reliable database platform. Right at this point, www.tradegreenline.com is created by S.N.A GLOCALS TRADING LTD to bring manufacturers from the areas which are not under the effective control of the Republic of Cyprus and potential buyers from the Republic where they will have an opportunity to trade on a simple, fast and reliable database platform.
Green Line Regulation, adopted by European Council on the 29/04/2004 and 10/08/2004 Regulation No: 866/2004 and Regulation No: 1480/2004 respectively, makes the trade of wholly produced local products which are approved by the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce possible from the areas which are not under the effective control of the Republic of Cyprus into the areas which are under the effective control of the Republic.
Within the context of this regulation, forbidden products are listed below:
-Live animal and processed animal products (except Fish),
-Dairy and milk products,
-Import from Turkey or Turkish origin peanuts and hazelnut contained products
-Ready to plant live plants
are forbidden.
Although it is allowed within the context of the regulation, forbidden products are listed below as:
-Food products which are subject to food lab authorizations (jams, helwa, frozen foods etc)
-Food touch products (packaging and plastic/paper bags)
For more information:
Green Line Regulation | European Commission: bit.ly/3Nwld1u
Green Line Regulation | TCCC: bit.ly/3wNw1lW